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あきらかに中国政府による自作自演 今まであったことがなぜ一度に報道されたかってのは 中国株の印紙税の引き上げと関連がある ようは中国の発展が世界的に注目を集めすぎて 実力もないのに過大評価されて来ている それは中国にとってみても重荷になる 急激に経済発展してしまっては中身がスカスカになってしまうからね だから印紙税の引き上げや自作自演をしてチャイナフリーだのと言う言葉を流行らせ 緩やかに経済発展しようって魂胆 PR |
PowerRating A Skiatook woman was arrested in Edmond on a complaint of stealing merchandise from Kohl's Department Store, 2201 W Danforth Road. Elsie Lorene Caldwell, 33, was booked into the Oklahoma County jail on a shoplifting complaint. A security officer at the store told police he watched a woman take price and security tags off several leather jackets and put the garments in her shopping cart, according to an Edmond police report released this week. The woman then went to the women's and home sections of the store, where additional merchandise was put into the same shopping cart, the report shows. The woman was stopped by the security officer once she left the store. The stolen merchandise was estimated at more than $4,200 and included six leather coats,...<br><a href='http://bestnews-4u.com/news/4588'>http://bestnews-4u.com/</a>
【2007/11/27 03:48】| | bctzydwdwz #67868e2e87 [ 編集 ]
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